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  4. Heat By Caroline Corbasson & Andrea Montano

Heat By Caroline Corbasson & Andrea Montano

45,00 €

HARD COVER   320 X 240 MM   500 COPIES   JANUARY 2023
published by Area Books

Long stored in a cabinet these 50’s-90’s archive images document the work of astrophysicists over many years at the Marseille Astrophysics Laboratory. Some of these shots were remarkable breakthroughs for the time. Mementos of both human and scientific adventures, they are the tangible traces of the historical capabilities of these research centers which designed and produced instruments to observe the universe. These black and white images have gradually lost their function and purpose. They may have been abandoned, but they have still escaped the dreadful outcome of so many unusable documents, they were gifted to the artist Caroline Corbasson who, alongside the photographer Andrea Montano, explored the poetry within.

Book only - 45€
A 30 copies limited edition is available. It comes with a book + a numbered and signed unique print housed in a hand-made debossed box blue or black.


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